You Made a New Year’s Resolution? You’re Going to Fail
This isn’t going to be about the statistics that X% of people fall off their New Year’s Resolution after two weeks, and an additional X% fall off after the first month. You already know setting a New Year’s Resolution is a losing bet. So really, my question is, what makes you so special to defy the odds?
Simply setting a New Year’s Resolution means you’re going to fail.
If you’re waiting until January 1st, a completely arbitrary date to start your New Year’s Resolution, it’s obvious your new goal isn’t that important to you. If it was important, and something you were dedicated to changing, you would have started it last week, or whenever it was you thought of making that change. Waiting until the new year to be a new you is a stalling tactic.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with setting goals or trying to make a positive change in your life. That should be applauded. But what shouldn’t be applauded is a half-assed effort to make those changes. You get the high of talking about it around the holidays with friends, and that’s simply part of the problem. Telling people about your goals is great if it helps hold you accountable, but outside of that, it’s just a fake way to make you feel like you’ve accomplished something.
Setting a goal does not mean you’ve accomplished something.
If your New Year’s Resolution is important to you. Like it’s actually important to you, well I don’t believe you. The only way to prove to anyone, and most importantly yourself, that it is important, is by accomplishing it. Waiting to start until January 1st means you’ve already failed in my eyes, but does that really matter?